Lest we forget, there are many souls alive today who lived during the Communist oppression of Christianity, and Orthodox was the principle victim, but in so suffering showed the indestructibility of the Church, and the pernicious quality of the Gospel even in persecution! by Evgenia I was born in communist Bulgaria in the late sixties […]
“I Personally Testify to the Truth of the Orthodox Faith”
by Vasilios This came to us as a comment to our article “Why I Became Orthodox: A Personal Story and Testimony” by Lance Goldsberry. It was so nice, that we asked Vasilios for permission to publish it as a separate article, and here it is. I personally testify to the truth of the Greek orthodox faith. It […]
From the Church of Christ to the Orthodox Church: Part 5
by David Scott Klajic Searching for Orthodoxy After I got back from my second deployment, we had a series of awkward conversations with the RC priest where were worshipping. When he informed me that I needed to “re-do” my conversion, I think he expected me to jump right on it. Instead, I basically said “um, no […]
From the Church of Christ to the Orthodox Church: Part 4
by David Scott Klajic One More Deployment Shortly after, I was deployed again for six months. I attended Catholic mass (they had no Eastern Catholic presence there) and tried my best to be a part of the congregation. During Pascha, a navy Orthodox chaplain came to visit and I asked the Catholic priest there if it […]
From the Church of Christ to the Orthodox Church: Part 3
by David Scott Klajic Get an Annulment? The Presbyterian Church we had been attending proved to be too far for us and our little growing family. So, although it freaked me out, my wife asked me if I was OK with attending at the local Catholic Church. I was in another faith waning slump, so I […]