Filmmaker Goran Radovanovic says he wants the world to learn about Kosovo’s Serbian Christian minority, the “marginal people that nobody wants to see.”
From The Blaze
Like most of his friends growing up in what used to be Yugoslavia, Goran Radovanovic was raised a communist. But at the age of 40, the Serbian film director felt the inexplicable urge to be baptized a Christian and thus return to the Orthodox Christian roots of his grandparents.
“I felt this necessity to live a spiritual life, because I only had an emotional life and physical life, not spiritual and it was missing. … I needed it desperately like water, this spiritual life,” Radovanovic recalled.
Connecting with his family’s Christian past was one of the drives that guided him to write and direct “Enclave,” a film that dramatizes the suffering of the persecuted Christian Serb minority in Muslim-majority Kosovo — a minority still trapped in small communities 16 years after the NATO bombing of his country.
“It’s an untold story of marginal people that nobody wants to see, and this is also the absurdity that in the 21st century, people are living in such unbelievable conditions,”
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