Thanks to everyone who voted and made “Journey To Orthodoxy” the winner of the “Best Domestic Blog” Award given by the Eastern Christian New Media Awards. Since coming online 7 months ago, JTO has provided a variety of stories and articles for inquirers to the Orthodox faith, with plans to expand JTO in 2011, offering […]
Interview With A Seminarian
My thanks to Dave Brown for directing me to this excellent interview! Professor of Theology, Dr. Robert Moore-Jumonville of Spring Arbor University, interviews SAU Alumnus Matt Brown about the Orthodox Church, his conversion to it from Methodism and his future life as a seminarian at St. Tikhon’s: Interview with a New Seminarian Source
JTO Adds New Testimonials Section
Thanks to the faithful support and good suggestions of our readers, Journey To Orthodoxy has added a Testimonials section. Under the “About JTO” tab now can be found a Testimonials page, and a Submit A Testimonial page for submitting your own words of testimony about JTO. The best advertising is word of mouth, and in […]