by Elisabeth Hawkins I want to share how Grand Duchess Elizabeth has helped me in guiding me to Orthodoxy and strengthening my faith. As a divorced single mother, I was living with my eight-year-old son Timothy near Albany, New York. My older brother bad become a monk at Holy Trinity Monastery, in Jordanville, and came […]
Deeply Evangelical, Impeccably Catholic
What a privilege and joy it will be to share in his missionary endeavour to his people in the West, and to contribute to the reconversion of England.
The God Of Our Fathers
I wanted to tell everyone I “found” the Orthodox Church like it was a million dollars! My return to the Orthodox Church was only a beginning of a journey, but at least now I knew the path. I compare it to living on a patch of dirt your whole life and never knowing that right underneath this dirt there is a well with hidden treasures of indescribable beauty.