After an incredible, almost unbelievable life, one man tells Theo Panayides how his search for love was finally successful. Klaus Kenneth is God’s gift to newspapers. His life, as he tells it, has been so full of incident and adventure that the only problem for a journalist is how to fit it all in. He […]
My Journey To Orthodoxy
by Kevin Allen Kevin is the award winning host of the radio program “The Illumined Heart,” and won the Best Podcast/Internet Radio Show once again! Congratulations Kevin on a well deserved award. For you, our JTO readers, we offer Kevin’s own conversion story. Enjoy! I began my spiritual journey in eastern religion – specifically Hinduism. […]
A Catechmen’s Journey From Hinduism
I was loaned the book “The Orthodox Church”, and the rest was pretty much history – it convinced me that not only was the original faith of the apostles uncorrupted, that in that same line of reasoning/faith, the ancient church was still alive – and almost as proof, that book finally made the Gospel start to make sense to me! I definitely believed in the importance of the Holy Tradition – I never understood the sola scriptura thing I was reading in the Protestant Books – they didn’t seem to realize there were large gaps in what they considered to be simple teachings/knowledge, because they were all interpreting according to some mysterious code that I hadn’t been exposed to, but claiming it was just all “written in the Bible”.