Now THAT is a baptismal procession!
The Phthiotis Diocese of the Greek Orthodox Church has, in a mass baptism, baptized thirteen graduates of its diocesan catechetical school for foreigners and migrants, reports Romfea. The service of illumination and union with Christ was celebrated by Metropolitan Nicholas of Phthiotis in the presence of friends and family of the newly-baptized, in the Church of St. Paraskeva in Lamia.
The number of the baptized has reached 394, demonstrating the effective pastoral work of the metropolis’ catechetical school. Those catechized come to the sacrament of regeneration with full knowledge, and respect and love of God, as evidenced by the joy that is always apparent on the faces of the newly-baptized and their sponsors.
Before the dismissal, His Eminence addressed the newly-baptized and their sponsors with words of fatherly advice and guidance, encouraging them in their new spiritual life in the Orthodox Church, which must always be in accordance with the Gospel commandments. Finally, he wished those who were illumined by the mass baptism a radiant Pascha.
According to AgionOros, the Phthiotis Diocese conducts work at the highest level, offering spiritual support, to those of other faiths, with two departments dedicated to working with gypsies and immigrants.

This is such a beautiful story, I wish I could see same in North America and more specifically in Canada. There seems to be no accomdation for adult baptism in the Orthodox Church and I think that’s s shame because people are searching for truth.
Nida, I’ve done adult baptisms in every parish I’ve ever had. I assure you, they take place often in North America, specifically the United States. I’m sure they take place in pockets of Canada too.
thank you for your comment.. could you address pentacostalism?
Let’s let them (and by ‘them’ I mean Pentecostal/Charismatic Christians who have converted to Orthodoxy, including several clergy) speak for themselves!