“This was a Christianity I had never encountered before, I was frozen in my tracks. I felt like I was in the actual presence of God, almost as if I was in heaven.”
Orthodox Missions among Muslims
Although it is generally known that many of Muhammad’s followers found refuge in Ethiopia during the early years of Islam, it is not well known that one of his followers, Ubaidallah ibn Jahiz, became a Christian while in Ethiopia and was baptized there. He was the first Muslim, but certainly not the last, to discover and embrace the truth…Overall there are still many conversions of Muslims from Islam to Holy Orthodoxy.
My Conversion from Islam to Orthodoxy
In sharp contrast to the allegation in the Koran that Christians made a human equal to God out of their respect, Christianity taught that God made Himself equal to humans out of His love for their salvation.
2 Million Muslims become Christians in Russia in the last 20 years
Today the proportion of Muslims in Russia must be at least 9%. However, sociological polls have shown a much smaller number, namely, from 4% to 6%, that is, from 6 to 9 million Russians, for the last decade. This paradox can be accounted for only by the fact that a considerable part of ethnic Muslims […]