Mark Bradshaw, with Conversations On Orthodoxy, recently interviewed me regarding my conversion to the Orthodox Christian Faith. An audio recording of the interview is available online. Here is a transcript of the interview: Mark Bradshaw: Welcome to another Conversation on Orthodoxy. Deacon Joseph Gleason: I think that when you go into an Orthodox church, and you open […]
Reformed Calvinist Converts To Orthodoxy
By Allison Bennett I grew up in a fundamentalist “Bible church” that loved God and had a clear desire to serve him, but I questioned why my church was so isolated from other Christians. By the time I graduated from high school I found something in the more historical faith of Reformed Presbyterianism but still […]
How an Icon Brought a Calvinist to Orthodoxy
By Robert K. Arakaki A Journey to Orthodoxy It was my first week at seminary. Walking down the hallway of the main dorm, I saw an icon of Christ on a student’s door. I thought: “An icon in an evangelical seminary?! What’s going on here?” Even more amazing was the fact that Jim’s background was […]
How I Discovered Holy Orthodoxy
Nyssa’s Conversion Story I’ve been going through a long, tiresome spiritual journey, though from what I hear, there are many people who’ve been through at least as many denominations before coming to Orthodoxy. I was raised in South Bend, Indiana as a Nazarene, a Holiness sect with the doctrine of total sanctification, but without the […]
My Conversion to Eastern Orthodoxy
As was St. Vladimir over a thousand years ago, I found myself deeply moved by the beauty and reverence of the Orthodox liturgy. The focus of the liturgy is quite clearly the worship of the awesome Creator before whom we stand in humble supplication, asking His mercy upon us. This was often in sharp contrast with the mood (though, to be fair, not necessarily with the theological understanding) of most Protestant church services which I had attended over the years where the latest programs (or fads) or preferences of the local minister too often dictated the format and style of the service.