Welcome to the Orthodox Church!
Join Frederica Mathewes-Green on a journey into the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Learn about Orthodox teachings and dogma, Orthodox architecture and terminology, Orthodox Christian interior life and prayer, and what it means to live an Orthodox life.
These videos are based on Frederica’s new book, “Welcome to the Orthodox Church.”

An Introduction to the Orthodox Worship Space
A Little More About the Orthodox Worship Space
About the Sign of the Cross, Icons, and Tradition
The Role of the Virgin Mary in the Orthodox Church
Why Do Orthodox Christians Call Mary the Theotokos?
What Does Unity Mean in the Orthodox Church?
Division in Christendom: The Great Schism & Reformation
The Sacrament of Confession in the Orthodox Church
Why So Many Different Orthodox Churches?
Why Aren’t There Pews in Many Orthodox Churches?
One Thing That Surprised Me About Orthodoxy
The Choir and the Chanters in the Orthodox Church
The Liturgical Calendar and the Twelve Great Feasts
Theosis Part I: Glowing with the Light of Christ
Theosis Part II: The Goal of Orthodox Christianity
Theosis III: The Energy of God Working in You
The Condition of Sin According to the Orthodox Church
Frederica’s Story: Experiencing More of God
God as Light and Fire: The Hellfire of God’s Love
Understanding the Atonement in the Orthodox Church
What Do You Mean When You, ‘Pray to the Saints?’
The Vespers Service in the Orthodox Church