by Fr. Geoff Harvey Growth Joining the Church was only the start of a wonderful journey of discovery. Archbishop Paul had me undertake three years of Orthodox theological training. I learned by correspondence with the Antiochian Village in America, which offered the St. Stephen’s Diploma of Orthodox Studies. That was brilliant. I discovered that there […]
God Led Me Into His Church: Part 5
by Fr. Geoff Harvey Finding the Orthodox Faith I knew we needed to join the Church. I’d learned from Peter Toon that Christ’s Church exists as a physical reality on this earth. I knew Christ had said the gates of hell would never prevail against it, so I knew that it existed. And I had […]
God Led Me Into His Church: Part 4
by Fr. Geoff Harvey The Crisis I was called to serve at St. Luke’s in the Melbourne in the suburb of Springvale North. Having served with young Australians for seven years I felt a real calling to reach the young. We used the Anglican Liturgy and I wore my vestments during services. We also ran […]
God Led Me Into His Church: Part 3
by Fr. Geoff Harvey Australia and Theological College On retiring from the British Army, my father had migrated to Australia. I decided to join him and the rest of the family. Janet, a nurse I had met in London, agreed come to Australia to marry me. We settled in Adelaide. I was surprised to find […]
God Led Me Into His Church: Part 2
by Fr. Geoff Harvey Inner peace It was while I was serving in Northern Ireland that God inexplicably touched my life. One of my fellow officers was a bomb disposal officer. I remember sitting down to breakfast with him. I can still see it in my mind. He had scrambled eggs with a tomato on […]
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