A Word to the Fore I found this article on a site I look at from time to time. It is from a heterodox source, but I confess that this is one of the serious issues facing Orthodox missions – that of homogenia, or homogenous faith communities. While it worked well enough in the Old […]
How A Southern Baptist Minister Found His Way To Eastern Orthodoxy
The Story of Pastor Robert Frisby How does a former Southern Baptist minister find his way into the Eastern Orthodox Church? It was a long and winding road for Bob and Laurel Frisby and two of their grandchildren. Bob spent his childhood and early teens without a church to call home. He was what he […]
Christless Church or Churchless Christ?
How is it we enter into this saving faith? The Scripture is crystal clear as to how salvation is granted.
Strangling On Opinions
by Fr. Apostolos Hill This excellent article comes to us from the excellent blog Again And Again In Peace. I’ve been enthralled over the last few days with a book sent to me by an associate of mine, an out-of-state Protestant minister who has been investigating Holy Orthodoxy and whose travels have taken him into […]
How Christ Changed A Muslim Imam
It doesn’t get any better than this. Enjoy, and proclaim the Gospel! This is the story of a man who used to seek out Christians on the way to Church to beat them, now, after an encounter with Christ, has left Islam and is studying and working as a missionary! Thanks be to God! Thanks […]