According to a recent tradition, the feast of the Equal-to-the-Apostles St. Vladimir the Great and the anniversary of the Baptism of Rus’ were festively celebrated with a Baptismal Divine Liturgy in the Neman River in Belarus.
The service was celebrated by Archpriest Anatoly Gerasimuk, the head of the local deanery, and other local clergy near the St. Elisha-Larishevsky Monastery, the monastery reports.
Four people received spiritual regeneration in the holy waters of Baptism during the Liturgy this year. After the service, all were invited to a meal in the monastery trapeza.
The tradition of celebrating a Baptismal Divine Liturgy for the Baptism of Rus’ was born in 2018 with the blessing of His Eminence Archbishop Guriy of Novogrudok and Slonim.
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