Here at Journey to Orthodoxy, we have partnered with the
GreatMartyr Euphemia Orthodox Theological Academy to bring you the best deal in courses to expand your knowledge of the Orthodox Christian faith.
it’s the best deal in Orthodox education
See for yourself! This Spring Semester we invite you to take a course.. or two!
The map above shows the actual locations where our students are!
Yes, they study from home. You can, too.
What’s being offered this semester?
Our second semester focuses on the depth of Orthodoxy.
- Patristics (study of the early Church Fathers – fantastic for apologetics!)
- Canon Law (an overview of how the Church actually governs itself)
- Church History (the real story of the spread of Christianity in society)
These aren’t dry topics from historian’s brains, but the gut wrenching and lively stories and writings of the heroes of our faith, what they encountered, how they overcame their challenges, and how it benefits the Church today!
And of course, the courses from Fall Semester are still available.
- Old Testament (intro to Scripture study and interpretation!)
- New Testament 1 (The Gospels, Acts, and Revelation!)
- New Testament 2 (The Apostolic Epistles)
You can complete your application today, and enroll tomorrow.
Classes for Spring 2019 begin Monday, January 21st.
This is your chance to take courses designed to be a practical foundation for future study, future teaching, and sharing the Gospel with others, whether they are your own children, your own family, or your own parish.
Yes, we are real people, teaching real students, real coursework in Orthodox Theological Studies. Whether you have homeschooled kids, or need a deeper understanding of the Bible, or need help with local Church school, or plan to go on to seminary, the GreatMartyr Euphemia Academy is your best bet!
It’s the best deal in Orthodox Theological Education, bar none.
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