Fr. John Peck leads an Online Catechism Classes which you can participate in. Classes are taught LIVE, and each class is a live presentation of the topic, allowing for live question, answers, and interactive discussion. Topics rotate through 20 LIVE lessons, so get in as soon as you can!
This online class meets weekly on Tuesday nights at 7 pm (Arizona time). Go HERE to sign up now.
It’s $25/month (or a little over $100 for the whole group of 20 lessons).
If you are impatient, or just really hungry to learn, you can also get instant access to all past class recordings for $35/month (the next tier of support).
The Online Catechism Class is intended for those who have already been through the New Member Class. If you have not attended or participated in a New Member Class, you should get in touch with Fr. John to make arrangements to attend one.
Go HERE to sign up for the $25/month tier and join the class!
Topics rotate through 20 lessons.
Common questions
My formation as a catechumen wasn’t very thorough? May I join and learn?
Of course. We know that not everyone has the same accessibility to good instruction, and this class will fill in any gaps you had in your catechumenate.
I have no Orthodox Church near me, but still would like to learn? May I join?
Yes, this class is LIVE and online, designed specifically for folks like you.
What if I’m already Orthodox? May I take the class?
Yes, anyone who is already in the Church, but would like to participate in a LIVE online discussion of theological topics is welcome to join us!
What if I miss a class or come in after the first class? What do I do?
Just keep attending – we cycle through 20 different lessons, and once the last lesson is given, the first lesson is given again. OR you can move up a tier in support and access all prerecorded classes and the downloadable notes at your leisure. It’s up to you, but you won’t miss a thing.
Is this supposed to take the place of a parish?
No, of course not. Orthodox Christianity is a living faith, and you get it from living persons by being connected to a local, living parish; but if you do not have a local parish, or you’d like to learn more about your faith, or get some specific answers that you aren’t getting answered, this class is for you. There is NO SUBSTITUTE for active parish membership by believing Christians.
Go HERE to sign up for the $25/month tier and join the class!
What is the “New Member” class? Why is it a prerequisite?
I’d love for my daughter to do this. I’m not sure we could both do it at the same time; she’s never had a catechumen class. (She’s cradle Orthodox! 🙂 )
Ronda, the New Member Class is a prelude to the Catechumen Class. You are, of course, both welcome to attend. If she needs to have the New Member Class, go ahead and join the Online Catechumen Class and we will schedule her New Member Class right away (no charge).
Hello, I am English living in Britain And also a patient in hospital. I was talking to a young lady whom I thought was lovely and I sayin I didn’t believe in God. She then spent somt time telling me that she ha tried different religions and decided that she like the Greek orthodox Church. I would like to add that this young lady is Greek. I promised her that I would go to the Church in Essex England, health permittting. I was brought up a Catholic but when I was about 30 I stopped believing because to my mind you can’t get married in church if divorced but can later have the marriage blessed, precisely what my former husband did. I’ve become a person I no longer like, my children are not really happy albeit they are now 39 and 44 years old. Can you help me, are these blessings the same as the Catholics that seems hypocritical.
Thank you for the anticipation of a reply from yourselves regarding what I hope to achieve. I am now 70 yeas old and chronically ill so I may not have too long.
Mary, check your email, and let’s get you in touch with a local Orthodox priest as soon as possible.
After this class will we receive a certificate or something similar? I’m currently am stationed overseas and would like to take this class and then be baptized when I return to the states.
Michael, for overseas students a certificate will be issued with a letter stating the material covered.
Why is there a charge for the online class for. Jesus never charged for tbe message of God.
Because it is instruction, not the preaching of the Gospel. Also, the Online Catechism Class, which I have held for free for many years for folks all over the world, requires resources. It is free for anyone who is an inquirer or member of my parish OR any of our satellite missions. For others, in order to support the cost, I charge a nominal fee.
If you don’t like that, go to your local Orthodox church, and get involved in their catechism. It’s free there, just as it is here at our parish. But for those who cannot, or do not have access to a local catechism program, this is tinier than a a tithe, and local Orthodox parishes will receive the benefits of new members.
I am an Australian woman interested in Orthodoxy. I was baptised Catholic and received all my sacraments however was never really brought up in the Church. Now that I have come back to faith and Catholicism, I’m finding that I’m more Orthodox Catholic in my spirituality than Roman Catholic.
I’m also a little confused about which Orthodox Church I should belong to as I am not Greek nor Egyptian. I do come from a Slavic background but only learnt English growing up. Should I look into a Slavic Orthodox Church or does it really not matter?
Also I am in regional/country NSW in Australia, therefore the nearest Orthodox Church would probably be 3-4hours away from me. Is it still possible for me to become Orthodox?
Yes it is possible. The best thing is to find the nearest Church to you, and then enroll in our LIVE Online Catechism Class if you can.
Hello Fr. John
Me and my girlfriend are interested in attend the Orthodox Church we are from Arizona we would like to be able to attend properly as in catechism first then attending we have talked with fathers at St.Anthonys Greek Orthodox in Florence Arizona and will be attending next Saturday as a start of our spiritual journey we are both catholic but would like to convert the proper way out of respect for the church community your response and concern would be greatly appreciated
Francisco olvera
Francisco, check your email.
Will i receive a certificate stating i finished the classes, that would be accepted by the archdiocese so that I can get married in the orthodox church?
Kristal, upon completion of the catechism class, we can provide you with a letter stating that you have completed the class, and the topics covered. Hopefully that will help you.
I don’t have extra money to pay for your catechumen classes. May I please access the content anyway?
Rusty, email me at
I am 100 miles to the nearest Orthodox Church and cannot always attend their catechism class. My priest says that I have to be involved in a parish as well as the classes before being chrismated. Will this class count as actual catechism class if my priest approves? Thank you! Also, I am happy to pay the fee. And I understand. May God Bless you
If your priest approves, as many have, yes – it will count as an actual catechism class… because that is what it is!
When does the first class begin again?
Hello. Will this be running this October? Blessings.
It runs constantly.
I do not have a Orthodox Church close to me to go everyday, I am in a wheelchair I do not drive anymore , I would love to join this class .i have been doing a lot of reading, study, of the orthodox faith. I have join the orthodox ethos, but they do not have catechism classes, I have done the whole book of revelation, I have prayer books at home I read, my prayer rope .FR PETER HEERS ,gave beginners 300 Jesus prayer with 100 holy theotokos 3times a day I also read the lives of the saints.( this is what I have learn , I have not been through a member ship class
Hello, I am interested in attending this class as there are no Orthodox Churches near me in Arkansas; I can not afford the fee?