by Ted Nottingham
The link to this video was sent to me by an inquirer. I had not seen it before, and did not know the name Ted Nottingham. Now I do! Enjoy this beautiful video on approaching Ancient Orthodox Christianity.
The 'Welcome Home' Network
by Ted Nottingham
The link to this video was sent to me by an inquirer. I had not seen it before, and did not know the name Ted Nottingham. Now I do! Enjoy this beautiful video on approaching Ancient Orthodox Christianity.
I saw many videos of that guy, they are good for relaxing, and I think, but maybe I am wrong, that a kind of evolution in his approaches to spirituality can be seen. If I remember correctly, his early videos were a synthesis of teachings of various religious traditions, but sommetimes not very succesfull, because of certain misinterpretations and misunderstandings of certain comparative belief sistems, which usualy such not scholarly works tend to have. But his aim to make a practical spirituality was succesfull.
But later on he was much more interested in Christian mysticism which led him to Orthodoxy, and his views on Orthodox spirituality are in my humble opinion very good formulated and authentic to Orthodox tradition. I personaly liked very much his video were he compared western and eastern Christian mysticism, and such comperations could be good for dialogue given that many mystics in the west were directly or undirectly influenced by the desert fathers or had much in common with Orthodox mystics. He also often leads westerners to think more of Christianity as a way of life.
All in all from all the spiritual stuff what you can find on it, his videos are in my opinion good for a broader audience interested in Orthodox spirituality and I think that he is making a good job. But of course I could be wrong.
Excuse my atrocious English skils, and thank You for sharing the video.
I love this! I’ve been in contact with Ted Nottingham through email, and now I rejoice that he has come to the full embracing of the Orthodox Tradition.
This video speaks deeply to my heart, as an adult convert of some 20 years ago who strayed over the past 7 or so years after a cross-country move to my home town after an absence of some 30 years, and the attendant departure from a beloved OCA (Russian-American) mission parish. What Mr. Nottingham speaks of is PRECISELY what I experienced from early on, and is PRECISELY the refreshing drink from the Well that I need right now as I try to return by way of the very worldly and poorly schooled little Greek parish here. Mr. Nottingham’s words about looking beyond such immediate environs and to the Source are exactly the reminder I need right now, and I’m grateful to God that this video has crossed my path just now.
I’m new to Orthodoxy, so please forgive me if this is an ignorant question. But isn’t Ted a follower of “The Fourth Way” (also known as “The Work”) as taught by George Gurdjieff. Is “The Fourth Way” truly Orthodox, or a blend of Orthodoxy, Hinduism, Bhuddism and other “spiritual paths”.
Though I am aware of Gurdjieff’s “Fourth Way” I am not aware of Ted’s participation in it. Obviously, paganism and meditative atheism have little in common with Incarnational Christianity.
Ted has a lot of videos on his YouTube channel. He is in fact involved with the Fourth Way. He has videos about it and has written a book about it and how it is compatible with Christianity. He even has videos on the Gospel of Thomas. I do not think he is very Orthodox. He is so focused on esoteric, that he almost seems magical and gnostic.
Concerning my previous comment, it is not for me to judge or call out. Who am I to do such things? Or even say such things?! Forgive me. Maybe I do not the intents of his heart of the meaning of his videos. So, Ted, if you see this, God bless you, sir.
of the other modern or ancient saints.
I came across Ted Nottingham on You tube and the man is a real mystic even from his earlier days. One can follow his transformation to Orthodoxy by listening carefully and with attention. I felt deeply touched and led by the Holy Spirit to not only listen once to his you tape presentations but to listen again and pray about what I am hearing. I am grateful I have come across them at this stage of life as I have not only two chronic pain conditions and now with very impaired vision to read only with difficulty. His talks nourish my soul as at times I am unable to get to Mass. I am a Catholic and have been drawn to Mysticism since I was a teenager. Also he is able to give sermons with great depth getting to the deepest levels of Christ’s teachings. I do not listen to talks on the Gurdieff teachings. It was a part of his transformative process but he has been led by The Holy Spirit to that which is his Spiritual home. I am a Relious Sister living my vows as a House Nun, though part of an Order. May this man continue his preaching as I believe he has so much to awaken in our souls through Christ being alive in him. I thank God for having come across his work at this time of my life. Sometimes in life the face of Christ appears very open in one. I believe we are to see Christ in all people though sometimes His Face is not always seen so clearly because of our imperfections. Again I am very grateful to have come across his sermon’s.