Dear Friends of Journey to Orthodoxy,
The holiday season begins in the world today, and having given thanks to God for all His mercy and love, I have an important request for all of our readers.
I am requesting that you add Journey To Orthodoxy to your daily prayers.
Orthodox Christians pray a rule of prayer daily, and this includes intercessory prayers for loved ones and others. We are asking to be added to your daily list. Why?
This past year has been one of many contrasts, as the tenor of inquirers seeking to make contact and become Orthodox has increased, so, too, has our financial support somewhat withered. We began the year with the theme “Deep Roots make Great Fruits” and oh, how that has come true! The number of contacts we receive has risen and become more frequent. It is at this time that we are asking for fervent prayer from you, our members and supporters.
As I write this, I am in conversations with inquiring souls in the US as well as Canada, Brazil, South Africa, Nigeria, Uganda, Tanzania, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Japan, and Australia. Our little venture here is overwhelmed with work. Many need materials, some need direction to local contacts, some only need a few questions answered (a few at a time is a safe way to go for some), and some are ready right now to begin the process to become Orthodox Christians and members of Christ’s Holy Church.
We send what Ebooks we can, we correspond with each and every one of our contacts, we direct those we can to local clergy ready to receive and guide them, but it is not sufficient to meet the needs of those contacting us. I am trying to complete a book on Orthodoxy for Beginners to help meet this need.
Would you please add Journey To Orthodoxy to your list of daily prayers?
The fields truly are white with harvest. By your prayers, God will send us help and His grace will sustain us.
The world is sometimes a dark place, but the light of Christ is breaking forth into a new dawn. No one does it alone.
With thanks to God for each of you,
Fr. John A. Peck
Consider it done. Journey to Orthodoxy was a wonderful resource for me when I was an inquirer and I still enjoy Fr. John’s blogs.
Please pray with me for a job to come along soon, and escape this terrible hell i am in.
With pleasure. Let us know when you get it.