by Fr. John A. Peck
2012 draws to a close, and yes, by the grace of God, we have survived yet another Apocalypse. Now, we not only set our sights on 2013, but on the expansive and growing work of Journey To Orthodoxy is committed to accomplishing.
I’m asking for your support with an End-of-the-Year gift. Here at Journey To Orthodoxy our mission is not limited to one city or town, one region, or even one nation. We reach the entire globe with good news – Carrying the Gospel to anyone and everyone who wants to find it. We make it easy to find the Orthodox Church. We make it easy to learn about the Orthodox faith. Among the goals we have for 2013, we are planning to;
- Expand our offerings to Chinese inquirers, and translate more materials into Mandarin,
- Offer a Spanish language mirror site,
- Offer “Mission Growth” retreats to start up missions or parishes interested in real outreach,
- Publish a guidebook on planting and successfully growing missions in America
- More deeply penetrate the virtual world, and
- Significantly raise the visibility of Orthodoxy in North and Central America,
This is just a smattering of the requests we have received for future work, and we are putting things in place to make them happen! None of this is possible without your prayerful and financial support.
Won’t you support this important work?
What does JTO offer to the anonymous but sincere seeker? Personal direct contact with Orthodox Christians is what we offer to anyone and everyone. Real answers to gut-wrenching questions from those on the journey to Christ and His Church, and shedding the light of the Gospel anywhere and everywhere there is a laptop, tablet or smart phone.
We help make the Orthodox faith personal, visible and accessible to anyone, anywhere.
Support JTO with an end of the year gift today, and thank you for your support.
Click here to donate today.
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